Disquiet explores the resurgence of the absurd in contemporary popular culture and social media as a coping mechanism for the pervasive anxiety experienced by millennials and subsequent generations. Hutter explores the paradoxical potential of using absurdity as a means to extract meaning from nonsense in an increasingly complex and interconnected world in which realities cannot be explained by absolute truths.
The installation features a series of short animated clips displayed in a triptych format playing at random and generating a multitude of narrative combinations and interpretive possibilities. The animated drawings are grounded in free association, primarily focusing on absurdities in the core human instincts of reproduction, social belonging and self-preservation. By delving into the subconscious aspects of his artwork, Hutter continuously creates new videos that mirror the prevalent presentation style on social media platforms and the nonlinear essence of modern popular media.
The installation features a series of short animated clips displayed in a triptych format playing at random and generating a multitude of narrative combinations and interpretive possibilities. The animated drawings are grounded in free association, primarily focusing on absurdities in the core human instincts of reproduction, social belonging and self-preservation. By delving into the subconscious aspects of his artwork, Hutter continuously creates new videos that mirror the prevalent presentation style on social media platforms and the nonlinear essence of modern popular media.